Tip! Users working in their Drafts or in free Starter teams can only access up to 30 days of version history. As Jenny made more changes during that session, Figma lists her as the main contributor. Figma records everything Yuhki and Jenny worked on between 2:00pm and 6:00pm as one version. Yuhki leaves at 4:00pm for a meeting, but Jenny continues working until 6:00pm. Later that afternoon, Yuhki and Jenny work together in the file from 2:00pm. Figma will save everything he worked on from 9:00am to 1:00pm as one version. At 1:00pm he heads off for an hour to grab some lunch. Yuhki starts editing his file at 9:00am, he takes a short break at 11:00am for 15 minutes before resuming work. If more than one person is editing a file, both contributors will need to be inactive for 30 minutes for Figma to create a version. Figma records a new checkpoint after 30 minutes of inactivity in the file.
Duplicate versions to create development-ready files for handoff.Restore previous versions to edit layers and export assets.View a version to pan around and see a snapshot in time.Explore a timeline of events dating back to the file's creation.
Keep track of changes you've made to your files with version history.